July 20, 2020
I’m writing you at a table outside. The crows are flying across a beautiful purple and blue evening sky where I’ve discovered Jupiter (I think that’s Jupiter) shining brightly, just above the horizon line. It’s quiet in Portland tonight where I am. But just across the river, the protests are gathering and will remain gathered all night long. Because, in addition to the nearly two months of protests in support of Black Lives Matter and in favor of reallocating funds from Portland’s police force to much needed social services, Portland is now under military occupation from an unwanted group of federal “officers”—hard to know who they actually are—who will not leave despite the fact that our citizens and elected officials do not want them here. So Portlanders are gathering in increasing numbers to show we are not a city “under siege” from our own citizens.
I was at the protest last night for a couple of hours. It felt very good to be there and very beautiful to see the solidarity. I know that this escalation of force in my city is not a fire drill for fascism. This is fascism, and it’s not hyperbole to say so. This is not a government “acting like a dictatorship.” This is a dictatorship.
image by Satya Doyle Byock
It was a joy to encounter the #wallofmoms as I crossed the Hawthorne bridge, and to walk with them towards the protests, with their sunflowers and their yellow shirts, helmets, and masks. Everyone was wearing masks.
I have planned a trip at the end of this week to finally visit my family. After weighing the costs and my various responsibilities, I decided to keep myself away from the protests until I get back.
But goodness, I’m missing being out there. I’m also loving being able to watch this livestream of Portland’s abundance right now. It’ll be live every night, apparently.
These images are screenshots from the livestream, around 10pm PDT, 7/20/2020. — Venmo: @SolxLuna or PayPal: omnisossy@yahoo.com to support the livestream
The crowds are growing, led by local Black activists. It’s a stunning thing. Who needs concerts and sports when you’ve got this beauty?
If you’re in Portland and want to join in the future, just show-up!
If you’re in another city governed by Democrats, prepare yourselves. There is every reason to think that you’re next. Better yet, start gathering in advance! Spread the word that Portland is not under threat from our own citizens. We are under threat from a Federal government and Justice Department that stopped honoring human rights or the American Constitution. Remember: this is not a drill. This is live. Join the Resistance in every way you can.
Sending you all love.
In Solidarity,
Satya Doyle Byock, Director of The Salome Institute