Most Past Salons are Available as Recordings

Some are available for purchase and others are free — scroll down to see.

How to Use the I Ching - One Video
The Way of the Hermit - Three Videos
The Gnostic Salome - One Video

…and many more!

Free Recordings:

Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, held a donation-based community salon to explore the question of gender within Jung’s psychology following a recent lecture by a Jungian Analyst opposing the reality of transgender identity. February 21, 2021

Director of The Salome Institute, Satya Doyle Byock, held a free community salon following the white mob at the Capitol in DC. Cited works are drawn primarily from Jung's CW volume 10. January 17, 2021

In today's salon, Carol Ferris and Satya Doyle Byock step away from the chronology of The Red Book to discuss recent events and the grief and rage surrounding George Floyd's death and police brutality. In solidarity with Black Lives Matter, we explore white projection onto Black citizens through the words of Jung and James Baldwin. May 31, 2020

The Full Series of Salons on Jung’s Red Book with Satya Doyle Byock & Carol Ferris

“Purchase” of this FREE series will provide you with a web portal link and password from which to stream all 30 videos.

Order your copy of the Red Book, Reader’s Edition to follow along.

Your small donations help to keep these videos — and future spur-of-the-moment salons free and available to the public. We’re grateful for your support in bringing depth psychological ideas to bear on current events.

Memoirist and Depth Psychotherapist, Hendrika de Vries, on her Memoir: “When a Toy Dog Became a Wolf and the Moon Broke Curfew.”

Author Sharma Shields visits Salome to discuss her book "The Cassandra." May 14, 2020

Prolific author, Gary Lachman, discussing his research and book “Jung the Mystic”

Author Gary Lachman visited The Salome Institute to discuss his book "Jung the Mystic" April 11, 2020

Thank you for your small donations to keep these videos free and available to the public. We’re grateful for your support and engagement!
