On Democracy & Voting
Socially Relevant Salon Series
with Satya Doyle Byock
Sunday, October 16, 2022
9 - 10:30am PDT | 12 - 1:30pm EDT
All salons and seminars are hosted online. Recordings are provided to all registrants.
Community Subscribers are registered automatically for this salon as part of their subscription.
“Jung always followed contemporary events, but his eye was that of a trained depth psychologist, and he was more interested in looking for what was going on below the surface of everyday political life than in its superficial aspects.”
Join Mimi K. Stokes, Nazli Rahmanian, and Satya Doyle Byock, in advance of the midterm elections in the US, as they explore together the relationship between depth psychology and democracy in Iran and in America.
How does our unconscious influence who we vote for? How is a determination to understand the Other critical for a healthy democracy? How is a well-functioning psyche a mirror for a well-functioning democracy (and vice versa).
This community space is the second installment in our new Socially Relevant Salon Series. After some presentation on the core ideas, we’ll invite Q&A and dialogue.
Suggested reading: Mimi K. Stokes’ piece on the marriage between psychology and democracy; Nazli Rahmanian’s reflections on the protests in Iran; and Erich Neumann’s book, Depth Psychology and a New Ethic.
All Salome community subscribers are automatically registered and will receive login information + the recording.
About Mimi K Stokes, MA
Mimi K Stokes lives into her name, ‘mimicking’ what life does, weaving diverse things together. Mimi combines theatre, eco-philosophy, Jungian psychology, astrology, and Foresight, in educational, therapeutic, and creative/artistic ways. She is a certified practitioner of Playback Theatre, an award-winning playwright, and a published author of fiction and poetry. Mimi has a Master’s degree in education; professional training in Foresight; is self-taught in astrology, and has studied Ecopsychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. She is currently in the Assisi Institute Archetypal Pattern Analyst program. Among her many current creative projects are two fairy tale/ imaginative works about democracy.
About Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC
Satya Doyle Byock is a psychotherapist in private practice in Portland, Oregon, the author of Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood (Random House, 2022), and the founding director of The Salome Institute. Her work has been featured in The New York Times and The Times of London, and her writing has been published in Literary Hub, Psychological Perspectives, The Utne Reader, Goop, Oregon Humanities Magazine, and elsewhere. Satya has lectured at Jung groups in the US and UK, and has been interviewed for her work on many podcasts. She is the co-host of Carl Jung’s Red Book Podcast and has twenty years of practice with The I Ching and dreamwork.
Online Attendance: a link for Zoom will be sent to all registrants via email in advance of this salon.
Recording: A recording will be made available to all registered participants following the live event.
Scholarships & Discounts: Please send us an email if you are unable to pay the full price. We don’t require explanation, just an email.
Subscribers: If you are a subscriber to the Salome Community, you do not need to register for this salon. You will automatically receive an email with login information in advance, as well as the recording following the event.