8 Sessions - January to March, 2018*
with Satya Doyle Byock, MA, LPC
“Since men do not know that the conflict occurs inside themselves, they go mad, and one lays the blame on the other. If one-half of mankind is at fault, then every man is half at fault.”
C.G. Jung, Red Book, p. 200
*Sold-out -- thank you*
C.G. Jung created Liber Novus, "The Red Book," from the journals he kept after the start of WWI. These journals chronicled the deep dive Jung took into his unconscious, finally recognizing -- with the outbreak of the war -- that his nightmarish visions were not delusions or the harbingers of psychosis, but something more.
The Red Book, and the subsequent decades of Jung's psychological inquiry, was always intimately tied to social and global conflict. Today, this book can provide a much need tonic for all of us: soulful insight into what to do now. The writing and paintings he created alongside the work can teach us a great deal about the times we are currently in, as well as the foundation of Analytical Psychology.
This 8 week seminar will provide ample space for exploration of this text, chapter by chapter. We will gather weekly, with one week off in between. (Missed sessions are expected and it's okay to miss as needed, as long as you're able to attend the majority of sessions.)
Dates: Friday mornings, 9:30-11am - Jan 19th-Feb 9th & Feb 23rd- March 16th
Cost: $225 for all 8 sessions (can be paid in two parts)
Location: Inner NE
Required Text: The Red Book reader's edition
Detail from The Red Book - Salome & Elijah
“I thought and spoke much of the soul. I knew many learned words for her, I had judged her and turned her into a scientific object. I did not consider that my soul cannot be the object of my judgement and knowledge; much more are my judgement and knowledge the objects of my soul. Therefore the spirit of the depths forced me to speak to my soul, to call upon her as a living and self-existing being. I had to become aware that I had lost my soul."