Film viewing of Lemonade + Short Lecture, Discussion
Beyoncé's remarkable album Lemonade chronicles a woman's journey in relationship from love to betrayal and rage, then back to forgiveness and love. It is -- explicitly -- a full alchemical journey of psychological transformation within oneself, and within relationship.
The album, listened to in order or watched in the full-length video, depicts the journey to higher consciousness from the lower coniunctio to the higher coniunctio on the path of individuation. It is a journey well-known in the Jungian study of alchemy in the Rosarium Philosophorum, and in the mythical separation and reunion told in Psyche and Eros.
Lemonade is a significant contribution to the modern conversation around feminism, love, masculinity, and consciousness.
During this evening presentation, we'll watch the full film of Lemonade (1 hour), along with a short presentation on alchemy and its relevance to the album.
WHEN: Saturday, April 1st, 5:30pm
WHERE: Literary Arts - 925 SW Washington, Portland, 97205
COST: Free! Come join us.
“Grandmother, the alchemist. You spun gold out of this hard life. Conjured beauty from the things left behind. Found healing where it did not live. Discovered the antidote in your own kitchen. Broke the curse with your own two hands. You passed the instructions down to your own daughter. Then she passed it down to her daughter.”